Recently introduced with an update to YUDU Publisher, this tool allows you to automatically generate page links on a page such as the contents menu. It is essential that the text is embedded within your PDF before using this tool for correct generation of links (see Optimising Your Files for more information).
To use the tool, simply select Switch to Table of Contents mode on the left hand side of the Overlay Editor:
In this mode, simply drag a box around the area your page numbers appear to generate the links. Should page links already exist within this area, no new link will be created and the originals retained.
Once the area is selected, simply click Generate page links in the bottom right corner of your Overlay Editor to see the results:
Should you wish to delete the automatically generated links, click the TOC Mode button on the left side of the Overlay Editor and on the right hand side select Disable auto-generated links (note: you can clear all overlays by selecting Clear All TOC Overlays)
Select Multiple Overlays (resize/delete/move)
Having created all of the page links you may wish to select them all to either move, resize or delete them in bulk, and this is easily achieved using YUDU Publisher.
To select multiple overlays, click the Select tool in the top right of publisher, click and hold your mouse to drag a box around the overlays you wish to select then release the mouse button:
Once all the overlays are selected, hold CNTRL (Windows) or CMD (Mac) and drag one of the reposition points (small grey squares) to the appropriate placement on the page.
Done correctly, all overlays selected will resize according to your specification, such as below: