You spoke! We listened!
We're delighted to introduce our brand new Page Turn Animation for our Web Reader, a feature sorely missed by clients who enjoyed the feature on our retired Flash Reader.
To enable the Page Turn Animation, navigate to the publication that you would like to enable it on, then click on the Settings menu and select the Branding tab. (See below)
Scroll to the bottom of the Branding settings page to find the Page Turn Animation section.
(See Below).
To enable the Page Turn Animation select the "Animate page turn when transitioning between pages" tick box and then click Submit at the bottom of the page.
Custom Settings.
Use an audio effect with the page turn animation - Adds the sound effect of a paper page-turning to the page-turn animation. Leaving this unticked will provide a silent page turn animation experience which some clients may consider to be less intrusive for their readers.
Can I use my own custom page-turn sound? If the default page-turning sound isn't to your liking you can replace the asset by providing your own sound file as part of a customized HTML Branding Pack.
You can read more about creating customized HTML Branding Packs here.
Duration in ms of the page turn animation - Allows you to configure the page turn animation speed to suit your own personal preference (milliseconds (ms).
We have included a couple of examples below to showcase how the different speeds might look below.
400ms Example - A publication with a page-turn animation rate of 400 milliseconds.
700ms Example - A publication with a page-turn animation rate of 700 milliseconds.
900ms Example - A publication with a page-turn animation rate of 900 milliseconds.
NOTE: After making any changes to the above settings be sure to always click the submit button at the bottom of the page before generating a new preview and publishing/republishing content.
We hope you enjoy implementing this our new Page-Turn effect into your content and would welcome any feedback to be sent to