You already have the option of sharing your entire digital edition or links to specific pages, but what if you had the option of selecting/bookmarking a collection of otherwise separate pages, which you could then share via email with a customer or contact?
This is a fantastic tool for sales teams, who can bookmark pages with products of interest to share with customers or colleagues.
Of course, this works best if your content is freely available, otherwise we would recommend against allowing the download of pages.
If you're interested in taking advantage of this powerful feature, there are two simple steps to enable it:
1) You will need to upload a downloadable PDF version of your content. See here for more info.
2) You will need to enable a setting under Settings > General beneath the "Options for the HTML Reader" sub-heading called "Allow the downloading of user selected pages as PDF". See here:
Image: (Above) Enabling the "Allow the downloading of user selected pages as PDF" in the YUDU Publisher Settings.
Now, when you generate a new preview, the following options will become available on your digital publication's toolbar when selecting the PDF icon:
Image: (Above) Dropdown options for the Downloadable PDF icon on your digital publication's toolbar.
As you can see from these options, you can (1) download a full PDF, (2) use the interface to select specific pages to download, or (3) download pages that you have bookmarked using the bookmark feature.
If you choose option (2), you will be presented with a new set of options on the toolbar. This allows you to navigate through the digital publication and select/unselect pages for download as a mini-PDF:
Image: (Above) Additional interface for selecting/unselecting pages for PDF download.
When you're happy with the pages you've selected, just click "Done" to generate your mini-PDF. After a few seconds, you will be presented with a box similar to the following, which contains the temporary URL that can be used to download the mini-PDF. This link can be shared in an email or message and will remain active for up to 24 hours:
Image: (Above) Box with temporary link to download the mini-PDF of the pages you have selected.
Now think of all the ways you can use this feature to share your content with your readers, colleagues and clients. Happy publishing!