YUDU Publisher has a whole host of settings that allow you to tailor your digital publications to your audience's needs.
The core settings can be sound under Settings > General when viewing your digital edition in YUDU Publisher:
Image: (Above) The Settings section and its main subsections.
TIP: It is important to remember that these settings can be specified at the individual edition level or as defaults at the publication group level.
Setting them as defaults at the publication group level will mean that they are automatically applied to new editions when they are created but settings that are later altered at the individual edition level will override the default settings.
Name - The name of the publication as it appears in the YUDU Publisher system.
Short Name - The short name is used at the end of the live link when producing a Web publication. An example URL could be http://content.yudu.com/A1234s/*ShortName*
On-device name - the name as it appears to the end user, whether in the browser tab for Web publications or within an application.
Language - For browser based publications the publisher can specify a language that will also change the text in the menu toolbar.
Time Zone - The time zone of the intended audience used in the reporting of statistics.
Default zoom - In the browser based publication, this determines how much the publication is zoomed when a user clicks once or clicks the zoom icon in the toolbar.
Enable printing - Enable or disable the ability to print the digital publication.
Highlight links when loading - Enable or disable whether links highlight when a page is opened in the browser based publication.
Google Analytics Web Property ID - If a publisher has Google Analytics, this can collect a number of statistics using the Web Property ID. This can be found using the link below:
Start page - For browser-based Web publications, change this setting in the event that you need the end user to start reading on a different page other than the default front cover.
Edition reads right to left - Intended for foreign language content that reads right-to-left, enable this setting to reverse the direction of navigation when reading the digital publication.
Reverse order of pages when published - See above.
Header / Footer Javascript- Include additional Javascript within the edition for remarketing purposes or additional functionalities.
Show forgotten password button - Tick this box to allow users to request a password reset email.
Official publish date - In relation to the subscription database, this is the date that the subscriptions will check against to see whether the publication is available within a given subscription/subscribers details. As default, this is set to the date that the publication node was created on YUDU (NOT when the publication was first published live). It also determines the order of the publications within the web Archive View and App Edition screens.
Use custom login prompts - By default the system will prompt the end user for a username and password. However, this may not apply to your subscriber/user base and you may wish to change the prompts. If so, tick the box, enter a custom message in the login explanation and then enter the bespoke prompts for User Identifier and Password fields.
Show subscribe button - The subscribe button appears on the prompt when users are asked to login. This can be customised to display what is required, such as Purchase, or Buy Subscription, along with a custom URL, e.g. a link to the subscriptions page on your website.