To create an In-App Purchase, first login to
Select manage your apps
Select the app icon you would like to work on.
Click Features in the grey toolbar
Click the plus icon next to the In-App Purchases heading
Select Non-Consumable from the options list
Now we will enter the various metadata for the In-App Purchase.
Reference Name - The name of the digital publication
Product ID - Enter the Node ID of the publication as found on YUDU Publisher®. To find the Node ID, navigate to the publication production screen on the system and at the end of the URL in your address bar should be '.../NodeID=' with a 7 digit number - this is the Node ID.
Cleared for Sale - Ensure that the Yes radio button is selected
Price Tier - Using the View Pricing Matrix option, select the appropriate tier for the price you wish to sell the content at.
Language - Click Add Language and enter the name of the digital publication along with a brief description. Note: usually people place the name of the publication in both the name and description fields.
Hosting Content with Apple - ensure the No radio button is selected.
Review Notes - As stated these are optional however this could include details to a particular subscription.
Screenshot for Review- Upload a screenshot of the front cover in PNG format that must be at east 640x920 pixels and 72DPI. If these specifications are met, Apple provide a warning message along with the best resolutions and file specifications.
Now that you have completed the In-App Purchase data you are ready to submit. Of course you can setup as many In-App Purchases as you require, however you must ensure that you submit the In-App Purchases for review by Apple, otherwise they will not be activated.
To do this, navigate to the Manage In-App Purchases screen and tick the box next to the IAP's you have setup (or hit Select All) then click Submit for Review at the top of the screen.