The traditional method to install an application is through the iTunes software supplied with all Apple computers and available for download on Windows PC's.
The guide presumes that you have access to and have downloaded the .ipa file for your application. This is generated during the application building process - if you wish to build an app with YUDU, please contact using the Support tab for more information.
First of all, make sure that the .ipa file is saved locally on your computer. Select the Apps page from the drop down menu in the top left, then click and drag the application across into iTunes.
Note: Should you not have an Apps page, simply navigate to the iTunes Store in the top right and download any free application from the app store - This will create the Apps page, selected from the drop down menu in the top left corner.
The application should now appear on the page as below:
Now that the application is within iTunes we simply need to install the application to your device.
When the device is connected to iTunes it will appear in the top right hand corner of the screen - select this to navigate the device.
When you have selected the device, navigate to the Apps screen and select Install next to the application you wish to install to the device.
Now that the Application is ready to install, click the Apply button in the bottom right hand corner to apply your changes and install the Application to your device.