At this stage a Subscription Group should be created and populated with Subscribers, and now you are ready to add your digital publication to that subscription.
To get started, navigate to the your digital edition's Home page and select Subscriptions - Add this publication to a subscription from the menu on the right:
You will be presented with the following menu:
Using the Release to subscription drop down menu you can select the relevant subscription and enter the date of which the publication will become available within that subscription.
Note: Any subscribers whose subscribed dates include this date will be granted access to this publication. Note that once a release date has passed, it cannot be revoked.
Once you have selected from the options presented, hit Save and your publication will be added to the subscription, stating which subscription(s) it has been added to along with the relevant dates:
From the overview above, we can see that the publication has been released to the Publication Subscription Example on January 5th 2015 and that at present no versions of the digital edition have been published.