YUDU Publisher statistics provide 24/7 online access to realtime measurable results that provide instant feedback so you can effectively gauge the success of your digital publication. Comprehensive reports provide vital stats for marketing intelligence and monetization, and are available to you at any time with the click of a button.
To access the statistics for your digital publication(s), login to Publisher and select Reporting > View Statistics from the top toolbar.
YUDU Publisher will allow you to select the report you would like to view from a dropdown on the right-hand side of the page.
Publication Group Reports
If you select Reporting > View Statistics at a publication group node, you will be able to see reports that provide useful overview statistics for all the digital publications in that publication group, such as "All Platform Visits".
Individual Digital Publication Reports
Alternatively, if you select Reporting > View Statistics at an individual digital edition node, the reports are more comprehensive and include:
Edition Downloads, Interactions, Links clicked, Page views, Sharing, Top Countries, Top page paths, Top Referrers, Top searches, Visitor Analysis and Visits.
- Flash - this platform is no longer supported but historic data may be available for some users.
- iDevice - If you have an iOS app, view these statistics for iPad and/or iPhone.
- HTML Reader - HTML/Web Reader statistics for digital editions viewed in browser. This currently includes stats for Native Android and Native Windows applications, if applicable.
- Air Android/iOS/OSX/Windows - these platforms are also no longer supported but historic data may remain available for some users.
After selecting a report and a platform, you will need to specify a date range and set the granularity (depending on the report) of the chosen report/statistics before clicking the green "Get Report" button.
An example detailing the visits report with a yearly breakdown can be seen below.
Breakdown of Reports
What Statistics are Available? Under the "Select a Report" dropdown for an individual publication, you can find the following reports:
Edition Downloads
A breakdown of the downloads that have occurred of this edition on this platform. Note: this report only applies if you have a custom-branded YUDU app.
A breakdown of the interactions that have occurred in the digital publication during a chosen date range, including email address clicks, website link clicks, page link clicks, and page shares.
Links Clicked
A summary of the web links within the digital publication that have been clicked by users, indicating the page number and total vs unique clicks.
Page Views
Information about each individual page in the digital publication viewed during a chosen date range, including the number of views and average visit length. Also, whether it was the first or last page viewed.
Product Codes Clicked
If you have published a catalogue or brochure with clickable product codes, this report will show you which codes were clicked and how often.
An overview of which pages have been shared, and how many times.
Submitted Email Address Report
If the "email address collection" feature is enabled, then any email addresses that users have (voluntarily) submitted will be stored here for retrieval/download.
Top Countries
A breakdown of the number of views per country.
Top Page Paths
An overview of different ‘journeys’ each reader took through the digital publication.
Top Referrers
Websites/locations from which the digital publication link has been clicked/accessed. If the result is "none" (very common) this usually indicates that the link was accessed via an email (many email clients block the open information, hence it returns "none").
Top Searches
An overview of the search terms that have been entered by users in this digital publication via the in-edition search bar.
Visitor Analysis
Very useful overview report. This shows the total number of visits to the digital publication, the number of unique visitors (as opposed to total visitors, which includes repeat visits), the average visit length (in seconds), the average number of visits, the number of return visitors, and the number of visitors who did not return.
A breakdown of all the visits that have occurred to this digital publication during a chosen date range (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
You may notice that sometimes the total results on the "Visits" page are different from the number of visits on the "Visitors” page.
The reason for this discrepancy is that the "Visits" page shows pure visit information, collected for every single visit, however brief, whereas the "Visitors” page shows aggregated information, and to become a "visitor" you must have visited the edition and logged a page view - by either staying on one page long enough, or by proceeding to navigate to another page within the edition.
This can result in the "Visitors" section showing fewer results than the "Visits" section."
Top Tip: You can specify a Date Range for most of the reports, which is useful for seeing the effectiveness of a particular social media campaign or the popularity of your content straight after launch versus later periods of time.