Should you wish to convert an image to be used in a digital publication to a file type such as JPEG or PNG (both supported) you can do this quickly and easily using the help guides for your preferred operating system below:
Right click on the image file, then select Open with -> Paint
Once the image has opened in Paint, select File from the top toolbar and hover over Save as. This will give you options to save in many different file formats.
Right click on the image file, then select Open With -> Preview (this may not be the default option)
Once the image has opened in Preview, select File from the top toolbar and Export..
Selecting the Format drop down menu you can save the image in several different file formats.
Need Another Program?
If you are unable to access Adobe Photoshop or a similarly powerful (but typically expensive) suite of image editing software, we recommend as a fantastic alternative program for Windows users. It is slightly more powerful than Microsoft Paint and completely free.
Click the link below to be taken to their website to download the program.