Following from the publishing of your publication to the Android platform, the final step for an publication you wish to sell is to set up an In App Product on the Google Developer Play console.
Clicking the image above will take you to the Google Play Developer Console where you can login using Google credentials.
When logged in you will be met with a view of the application(s) submitted under your developer account.
Click the name of the application you would like to add the In App Product to.
On the left hand menu Click In-app products to bring up a summary of the In App Products, then click + Add new product at the top of the page to begin the process of adding a new In App Product.

Here we must ensure that two things are implemented correctly:
Managed Product - click managed product to make the in app product a single time purchase.
Product ID - this must be in the format of <edition><node id> (for example, on the left it is edition1234567).
See the following guide on how to retrieve your node ID: What Is A Node ID And Why Is It Important?
The following screen allows you to add the details of your In App Product which will appear on the Google Play store:
Title & Description - Copy the title of the publication from the YUDU Publisher system and if you have entered a description in YUDU Publisher under Mobile Management this can be pasted into the Description field (alternatively, simply copy the Title over to the Description field).
Pricing - The price of your publication can be entered into the Default price field, and following this simply click the Auto-convert prices now button to ensure the price is selected for each region according to your value entered in the Default price field.
Last but not least and once all the details above are filled in correctly, navigate to the top of the screen and click the drop down menu labelled Inactive - this will then give you the option to Activate which you must select to publish the publication live.