The Mobile tab in YUDU Publisher allows you to customise the app publication settings, much like the Settings menu for the Web version. This includes adding a description, customising the cover thumbnail, setting display modes and more.
The Mobile tab can be found in the menu bar of any digital publication that has iOS/Android enabled.
The Mobile tab is split into three sections labelled iOS, Android and Shared Settings. The platform specific features will appear under iOS and Android, so we shall cover those below.
iOS Settings
Description - When the publication is selected within the application, the description appears alongside the front cover and download option (free or purchase).
Selling options - 3 options are available here - Free, Subscription Only and For Sale. If free is selected, the publication is available to everyone with the application. Subscription Only means that the user has to have a login or purchase subscription in order for the publication to be viewed (it will not appear in the app if not logged in). Finally, For Sale will ensure that if an in app purchase is setup for the publication, the publication will appear in the application for sale.
Please Note: Selling options have now been migrated to the Access Control section under Settings.
iTunes Connect ID - The iTunes Connect ID is available under the iTunes Connect console via the In App Purchases menu. This only needs to be changed if an issue arises with your In App Purchase on iTunes Connect.
Product code overlays - Using the ecommerce solution under Settings -> ecommerce allows you to upload a csv containing product codes and URLs. ticking this box will convert those overlays into simple URLs to be opened in the in app browser.
Messages to readers - custom messages can be set before downloading a digital publication.
Enable push notifications - tick the boxes to send push notifications to subscribers and/or non-subscribers when the publication is published and released.
Custom push notifications - override the default push notification message with your own. Note - this message cannot be localised nor is it visible when multiple push notifications are sent.
Android Settings
Selling options - 3 options are available here - Free, Subscription Only and For Sale. If free is selected, the publication is available to everyone with the application. Subscription Only means that the user has to have a login or purchase subscription in order for the publication to be viewed (it will not appear in the app if not logged in). Finally, For Sale will ensure that if an in app purchase is setup for the publication, the publication will appear in the application for sale.
Note - For Sale is not shown unless a Google Play public key or Amazon Developer Secret has been set in YUDU Publisher by your app technician - see the guide Submitting App To Google Play to find your key.
Messages to readers - Optional setting that allows you to place a message that will appear when the user begins to download an publication along with an option to cancel the download.
Shared Settings
Default Zoom - This option allows for you to override the default setting of how a page is delivered within the application, whether it be in a single or double page spread as default.
Phone number overlays - When an publication is uploaded to YUDU Publisher®, the plain text extracted by the system can be processed to include phone number overlays on compatible devices, allowing users to interact with them.
Edit launchable URL - This adds text to the top of your application when viewing an publication where you can specify the text and URL it directs to. Alternatively you can specify during the building of your application that an icon be used - please see your support technician for further information.
Updates - Publications can be republished to prompt users to update, and ticking this option will force that the user updates the publication before viewing (useful for discrepencies spotted after publishing). Traditionally, users can choose whether or not to download updates.
Background audio - an audio file can be selected to play during the viewing of the publication. Upload the audio file into the Files section before selecting it from the audio drop down menu featured in the Mobile page.
Edit Thumbnails - The thumbnail image appears on the My Editions screen of your application (as default it is the front cover). Upload a JPEG image into the Files menu, then select the image from this drop down menu to alter the image that appears instead of the front cover.